Monday, March 26, 2012

Live Anger Management Display

It's not often a cannabis law reformer gets to gloat, so hats off to Skinny and Serenity for making my Monday with this Live Anger Management Display at a Drug Rehab / Mobile Phone Co Sponsored Skate Event:

Today At Vic Park from on Vimeo.

Talk about killing two birds with one stone. Corporate sponsorship of "community events" and sleb born again messiahs becoming pariahs in an instant. Sweet.

The Brown Shirted bloke hanging out the clothesline above is artist and skater judge Craig Platt, who has since apologised for being a dick. Accusations over the handing out of spray cans and incitement to spray their logos about has been denied, although the evidence is pretty compelling:

The Real Steve Gray has also helpfully included the promo poster for the event:

Skinny is Telecom's latest cunning disguise into the youth market for cellphones. Phone pushers if you will.

Serenity Drug, Alcohol & Addiction Rehab is run by former drug lover William Murdoch. The verbiage on the Serenity site reads much like another self-proclaimed neon messiah selling salvation I know, my brother. My advice is to give neither of them your money or your time.

More creepy though is this little gem on Facebook:

That's right, win rehab at an under 16s youth event! First it was state funded Scientology drug education, now it's Mr Angry selling rehab at a kid's park. And they call drug users self-destructive. Ha!