Artist Grahame Sydney was on NatRad this afternoon criticising the Change the Flag campaign when what we really should be changing is the National Anthem. Why can't we do both?
Surely, Sydney's soapbox has been made more relevant because of the flag competition? It's irrelevant anyway because I completely agree with him. God Defend NZ is a terrible dirge "saturated in god" as Sydney points out.
It was only made official in 1977 when the Queen came to visit for her Jubilee Tour and Muldoon had nothing to give her apart from a law making Thomas Bracken's paean to Anglicism compulsory.
The coin dropped for both Sydney as well as new Afternoons host Jesse Mulligan when they discovered that NZ has two official anthems. God Save the Queen is the other one. The original colonial song, so to speak.
You can see why Muldoon gave Queenie an old but new song as a present. During all future visits to NZ, Liz wouldn't have to listen quite so often to those most over-played bars of bad music. Is there an official record of how many times she's had to grimace through God Save the Queen at varying levels of musicianship?
The dual national anthem is an important precedent though. It shows a way Key could have sold the flag change without all the bad voodoo from the RSA. Two flags for the price of one.
It also shows how swapping out God Save the Queen for something more relevant and less anachronistic would avoid more spilt beer too.
I've had half a crack at a New National Anthem before. Others say Trinity Roots' Home Land and Sea should be it. Here's something I've been working on for a few months now. It still needs work and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if I don't win. It'll do just fine as an icebreaker though:
Fuck Australia, This is New Zealand
Fuck Australia, This is New Zealand
The only thing our old ones
Were guilty of was
Fuck Australia, This is New Zealand
Through wind, rain and fine sunshine
Walk barefoot proudly
Into the future
Fuck Australia, This is New Zealand
Our banner is not our cape
There's no religion
Except sport, of course
Fuck Australia, This is New Zealand
Our wildlife will not kill you
But beware the land
Fuck Australia, This is New Zealand
Our cops are the least fascist
The courts least corrupt
Bent, never broken
Fuck Australia, This is New Zealand
Don't expect too much from it
You might just like it
One day ahead
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata